Jana Buffel Creatieve Marketing Coödinator

Launch of beMatrix France for optimal local service

After beMatrix UK, USA & Scandinavia, beMatrix recently opened a new subsidiary in France, in the Paris region. Offering top service, as well as being innovative, is indeed becoming increasingly crucial in the ever changing event and stand building industry.

With the launch of this new subsidiary, based in the Longjumeau event park, just minutes away from Paris, beMatrix focusses on offering support to both French and international stand builders, with a large range of rental equipment that from now on will be available locally. 

Stefaan Decroos, beMatrix CEO: “The number of rental projects in France has been growing steadily for a while now, up to the point where a local 24/7 service centre simply has become a prerequisite. With our local subsidiaries and our bePartner network, we aim to make the life of both the stand builder and exhibitor easier, offering them more comfort in their job. That’s the mission of beMatrix. The choice for Paris is a strategic one, since many domestic and international fairs take place in one of the many event sites in and around the French capital.”

Are you confronted with a temporary stock-out of frames or would you rather not pay high shipping fees to get pallets of frames to Paris or another event location in France? beMatrix France is here to help. They stock all standard range frames and accessories for local delivery, which will be treated with the utmost care and the urgency you require.

Partner and local agent Daniel Breitschaft has gained wide experience in the stand building industry and shares our enthusiasm for this next step: “In our line of work, every minute matters. I am convinced that alleviating some of this stress by making the range easily accessible locally really will make a difference! The main focus will be the rentals segment, renting out all standard range beMatrix solutions. However, we are also at hand to help you test a structure or provide training in our showroom, together with the French commercial team.”

Contact details beMatrix France:

beMatrix France
Le Parc de l'Evenement - 1, Allée d'Effiat - bâtiment B3
T. +33 6 14 515 715

In order to ensure top level service, beMatrix continues to expand their worldwide bePartner network, offering full service support for the design, build and finishing stages of your stand. These bePartners are carefully selected based on several core criteria and are committed to take part in regular training sessions covering all kinds of topics as well as to annual performance monitoring sessions.

Our ecosystem has sprouted from the drive to innovate and entrepreneurial attitude, both typical beMatrix cornerstones. We share know-how and expertise in such a way, that international collaboration can also become key to your success. Thanks to the international beMatrix partner network, you can commission a stand to be built in Germany today, while tomorrow, without any issues, you can have the same stand assembled by another bePartner in the USA, Australia or Asia.

Please visit www.bematrix.com/en/partners/ for the full list of bePartners.